Top 10 Yoga Instructions

If you are planning to learn yoga by yourself or if you haven’t been practicing it for a long time, these yoga tips may help you get back on track. The following tips are very important and should be followed to reap all the benefits of yoga practice. One should also be regular and dedicated to the practice.

1. One of the important things to consider is the right time of the day for practicing yoga. This would be early in the morning as you will relaxed after sleep and the yoga postures can be performed with ease.
2. Choose a place that is free of dust and pollution, well ventilated and free of distractions. See to it that it is quite and moisture free.
3. Choose clothing that is loose. It should not restrict movement. Before you start, clear your bowels and have a glass of warm water. You should also clean your nostrils of all mucus.
4. Be systematic with your yoga postures. Start off with easy ones and perform the difficult ones as you progress.
5. If you are learning from yoga images, make sure you take into consideration the breathing techniques as well. Inhale and exhale through your nose. Practice periods of relaxation between poses.
6. Before you start yoga, choose a suitable yoga mat. It should be comfortable and not rough. While doing poses that require you to lie down, you can use a woolen carpet with a sheet over it.
7. You can use yoga music while meditating as it helps you relax faster and energizes you. This kind of music is not loud or high pitched. Its soothing, calm tones will help relax your mind and body.
8. Don’t tire yourself while practicing yoga. If you have performed a difficult pose, take a break and calm your body before performing the next one. Never force your body to do a pose. Stop when there is pain and try again tomorrow as it gets easier with each day.
9. Rather than reading only instructions, go through books that show you yoga images. This will help you follow the instructions better. A lot of DVDs are available where you can watch videos of various postures. A lot of people find this easier to follow.
10. While practicing yoga consume medium quantities of food. Enough to just satisfy your hunger. One should eat at an interval of 4 hours and should include grains, dairy, vegetables, roots, fruits and nuts in the diet. Fasting or overeating is not encouraged in yoga.

Before you begin, you should talk to your doctor about the different poses you plan to practice if you have had a surgery or a severe injury. If you are attending a class, tell the yoga instructor about your injury or any other health problems that you have. You will be advised on what to do and what not to do. Regular practice will give you amazing health benefits, both mental and physical.

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