Top 10 Yoga Sites

Yoga is a great way to bring a balance between one’s body and mind. A lot of yoga sites have come up that will help you learn everything about yoga. Some of them are also designed to serve local population by announcing events, etc.

1. At, you will find everything including history, benefits, basics, poses, weight loss routines, etc. related to yoga. In addition to everything you will also find a yoga dictionary explaining all the complicated terms involved in the practice. You will also get yoga-wear advice along with tips on yoga sequences.

2. is another site which has impressive yoga blogs and articles on breathing, meditation, yoga for men and women, mudras, benefits, etc.

3., like the name suggests includes ABCs of yoga. You will not just find the basics of yoga but also easy to follow yoga images that you can refer to.

4. is on of the most easy to understand yoga websites. It tells you about yoga videos which are easier to follow than written material. It also has yoga blogs which will give you insightful material that will help you understand yoga well.

5. If you are looking for a site which lists all the instructors, events, holiday yoga retreats, etc, is the site you should visit. You can also start your own yoga business and advertise on this site as well.

6. is another site that specializes in yoga clothing. It was started by somebody who was helped by yoga to de-stress and become healthy again. This website brings fashion and function together and gives you perfect activewear for practicing yoga.

7. is the site where all yoga sites that you will ever want to visit are listed. It also include products, retreats, workshops and classes will be listed which can help you go about learning and practicing yoga.

8. is a great site which tells you about learning yoga yourself, relaxing your mind and body, etc. It also tells you about ways to condition your body during your weight-loss program.

9. If you are looking for a site that gives information about power yoga, postures and poses, is the site you should visit. The articles that will come in useful for beginners as well as the ones who have been practicing it for a while can be found here.

10. is a good site which has information on all asanas with clear description and pictures.

The above websites are popular for the amount of useful information they hold. Some of them also have a set of articles related to yoga. Anybody who wants to learn yoga by themselves can carefully study these websites and learn it themselves. The videos, step- by-step instructions and the images can teach you the poses without any trouble.

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